How To Order


Order Using This Form

We are open Wednesday - Sunday 12 pm - 6 pm.

Please try to preorder 1 week in advance. However, 3 days in advance is the minimum!

(But if you are in a pinch, send it and we will do what we can.)

After you fill out your order request, we will contact you within 24 hours. If the order is available, we will send an invoice to you via email where you will be able to pay via a secure online checkout. Please pay as soon as you receive your invoice. Only paid orders will be placed in our system.

If there are any issues with your order, we will contact you. We will likely not be able to accommodate orders placed within 24 hours of pickup.

Any cancellations must be made one week in advance, and we require 3 days notice for moving orders. We reserve the right to refuse any changes to your order.

By 5pm the day before pick up, payment must be completed or else your order will be canceled.